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January 24, 2024


People are playing pickleball in the airport.

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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Bet they can't make the charges stick. Good thing he was not using fish sticks.

Sounds like a racquet to me.

The Salt Lake airport? First taping fish to ATMs, now this.

There must be something in the water out there.

Hey, it's not like they would do that if they didn't have to be at the gate two hours before boarding, or waiting around for updated departure times after the DELAYED notice, or not being able to get online because of lousy wi-fi, or trying to distract themselves from the dozen toddlers serving up the mother of all screaming tantrums, or...

{{ hugs wanderer }} .. There, there, buddy.

Thanks, MOTW, I needed that.

But I'm now like John Madden: If I have to fly to get there, I'm not going there.

So all those morons in the blue shirts are on the pickleball team?

So wanderer et al, imagine how you could entertain all those toddlers by having people ignite their flatulence for fun in the waiting area? "Okay, kids don't do this on your own but get your dad of mom to help you. Now, stand back, no back a bit further, and here we go Three, Two, One, Ignition and whoaaa, wasn't that something?" "Hey mister, how come you don't have any eyebrows?"

First, pickle ball. Then before you know it, lacrosse, Rugby, and formula one racing.

Still better than throwing an airball at the pickleport.

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