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January 24, 2024


US Today Show makes awkward King Charles blunder as closed caption reads he is to undergo 'prostitute surgery'

(Thanks to MOTW)


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Hope he enjoys a royal pain.

Somehow, this has to involve Camilla.

I would use a gub.

My 23andme genealogy report indicates that King Charles and I share a common ancestor, dating back a few centuries from the European House of Hapsburg lineage. My Hapsburg descended male relatives all have had prostate issues, including my own prostatectomy.

Given what the Urologists bill for their services, 'prostitute surgery' is an apt description. I agree with Dave's assessment that there's got to be a better way to access that gland.

If your prostate specific antigen test comes back high, there's a new outpatient one-hour procedure that can cure early to midstage prostate cancer tumors. It's called NanoKnife, and is now available at major medical centers around the U.S. It also has applications for pancreatic cancer, soft kidney tumors, and some glioblastomas of the brain. There's minimal risk for secondary tissue damage and minimal side effects.

He's divorcing Camilla?!

Blimey, the NHS is prescribing prostitutes now? Do they say, "take two hookers and call me in the morning"? :P

pharmaross - thanks for the tip on NanoKnife. I'm passing that along to my folks, as my dad may want to look into it.

@ Ron G

My brother procrastinated in getting his prostate cancer addressed, and it unfortunately advanced beyond the quick fix and cure of the NanoKnife procedure.

His next opportunity to rein it in is with Androgen Deprivation Therapy, which he receives at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. So far, it's working for him.

The Mayo Clinics in Jacksonville, Florida, Rochester, Minnesota, and Phoenix, Arizona, are rated #1 globally for prostate cancer treatments.

Here's a link explaining ADT...

Are they confusing that with brain science & rocket surgery? Somewhere, in a much better place, Princess Di is smiling.

I strongly recommend this person for prostate cancer screenings, given her in-depth, hands-on, experience...

@pharmaross - one of my coworkers has the NanoKnife procedure and he's doing quite well now. Thanks for taking the opportunity to spread the word about it.

So was this surgical breakthru something that came about from the Mork & Mindy show? The Nano, Nanoknife?

So this is all very interesting tracing how prostate problems are handed down from generation to generation to generation. What a great topic to discuss at family gatherings about how this affliction has been handed from son to son. The females in this history are probably saying the heck with your damn prostate, guess what we got stuck with.

Spell check strikes again.

@ Pullet Surprise

The 'upside' after a prostatectomy is *THIS*, which can stay 'activated' for hours, days, or weeks!

I'm contemplating a return to college for a second degree in a target rich environment, & be the 'big man on campus'.


The AMS 700 LGX™ Penile Prosthesis comes with racing stripes. I'm contemplating adding on a strobe light for those foggy nights.

NanoKnife Explained...

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