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January 29, 2024


Asteroid the size of 64 Canadian geese to pass Earth Tuesday

(Thanks to Joe in Japan)

5 asteroids, including one the size of a sports stadium, expected to pass near Earth

(Thanks to Michael Parry)


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And a partridge in a pear tree, right?

"Calculations by NASA predict that the asteroid won't come anywhere close to Earth during its flyby at a distance of over 4.8 million kilometers."

If I were to guess how many Canadian geese it would take to pass enough material to equal the size of Earth on any given Tuesday, it would have been 63.

Honk if you support asteroids.

How many geese in a giraffe, and do we need multivariate calculus to figure this out?

That’s the equivalent of 7 American geese.

Careful where you step next Tuesday.

Keep your eyes to the sky Tuesday or you might get your goose cooked.

2007 EG isn't that big. If it enters the atmosphere, it's goose is cooked.

But about 2008 OS7...how big a stadium? Junior high? Small college? Texas high school? A 100,000-seater? Shoddy reporting there.

Is either of these related to the Giraffe Asteroid?

There is clearly a writer at JPost who has too much time on his hands.

Per the second story the big one is coming in 2029. I just gave up on dry January.

The scary or welcome news - depending on your perspective - is that you actually get some relevant hits if you do an internet search on: “Canadian geese to giraffe asteroid size calculator”

Size matters
Known as the Animal Proportion Formula (APF), it divides asteroids and meteoroids – their smaller counterparts – into 10 simple categories. “Blue whale” is the biggest, covering asteroids ranging in size from 20 to 30 m. “Colossal squid” refers to anything between 10 and 20 m, with smaller sizes being “elk” (5–10 m), “bear” (2–5 m) and “lion” (1–2 m). Controversially, giraffes have been excluded from the new system as they lack spatial symmetry.

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