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December 24, 2023


You've heard of Santa, maybe even Krampus, but what about the child-eating Yule Cat?

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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Speaking of Santa:

T’was the night after Christmas
and all through the dungeon
Santa came in
wielding a truncheon.

The miscreants were hung
by the chains on their wrists
“You were on top of
my new naughty list.

You were good at the last
week I suppose
then you made fun
of Rudolph’s red nose,

But throughout the year
your behavior was bad
you just didn’t mind
your Mom or your Dad,

but topping it all
you might as well rot
I did come as you wished
Milk and cookies you forgot.”

" the child-eating Yule Cat "

You won't want to try putting that one into a carrier and taking it to the vet.

Fear the Crab-cat!

Along those lines is the short story "Nackles" by Curt Clark (a pseudonym used by Donald Westlake for his science fiction stories).

An interesting tale on its own is The Twilight Zone and the deadly Nackles affair about what happened with a television adaptation of that story.

Down south they call it 'Ya'all cat."

I just watched "Violent Night" with my son. Better than we expected. Possible new holiday double feature tradition with "Rare Exports."

Time to send for the citizens of Gavle.

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