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December 24, 2023


Have Joy copy 3


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you too!

Happy Holidays to you and your entire family, Dave.

I recognize Walter's hand writing. I mean scrawl.

Thanks for the fun

Dave, thanks for providing a place where we can laugh. May your New Year be happy and peaceful.

It must be about 20 years since Sophie created that.

Merry 🎄 Christmas to all & to all a good night! 🎅

Same to Sophie and Mrs. Blog, as well as Dave.

Possibly related...

Happy Holidays!

Thanks for the year. This site is like a great cup of cofee.

Looking forward to the 2023 Dave Barry Year In Review.

I enjoy the many enlightening poems surrounding the Christmas season. Like this one.

"Twas the night before Christmas and all through the House, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse..." And that is why you should check the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors.....

Now excuse me while I resume my clandestine caroling.

Merry Christmas to you all. I trust you’ve all received my gift of socks and underwear. Please celebrate responsibly.

We're really not all that crazy, it's just that you bring out the best in all of us, so wishing you & yours all the best & more of that.

Dammit Judy we missed Festivus again.

Merii Kurisumasu!

The same to you and your family, Dave!

And also to all of you wonderful, creative, bizarre BlogFolk!

Merry Christmas to all here at the Blog, both the employees and the visitors!

Hopefully Judi remains hired, and doesn't get the Bob Cratchit treatment. But if she does, hopefully the three ghosts all have valid Florida driver's licenses.

"Crazy blog people"? I object to being called a people.

Merry/Happy (insert appropriate occasion) to you, Dave, your family, and to all my fellow crazy blog whatevers.


Happy Festivus!

🎶 🎶 🎶

Merry Christmas to Dave, and to all fellow crazy blog people.

Merry Christmas!

And if I may, a special remembrance to our dear friend nursecindy.


A wise man once told me: "This world is made up of a lot of different people, and I'm just glad that I'm not one of them."

A Christmas classic article by Dave...

Joy to all Blog people, pets, and others.

In addition to enjoying enlightening Holiday poems, I equally enjoy holiday novelty songs like, "All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth."

*Back to clandestine caroling. I've circled the neighborhood twice this morning. People look at me like I'm either crazy or a person of The Blog. Crazy.

**My rendition of Silent Night gets the chicks. I've had enough time off to put new strings on my Paul Reed Smith so I've been putting some recurring metrical stanza's together getting ready to entertain. I hear the doorbell. Must be the escort service.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fam0rAaZtJM ... & Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea.

Appreciate the daily fun of this blog.

I'd like to give you one for Christmas.

Hot Girl Christmas

Naughty Christmas Song

Back Door Santa

Grandma & Reindeer Song

Dirty Deeds Around the Christmas Tree

Merry Christmas to y’all

MOTW. rymer tachsimrs

MOTW cat rymer shimrs

Dave, bet you miss judi (Little Miss Grammar) - just look at those run-on sentences in that photo. Walter certainly does not do that same fine job of editing and cleaning up your written messes like she did.

Merry Christmas to all!

Thanks, Dave. We wait all year for that Sophie-gram.

(Much better than the SNL Landshark, of 40 years ago)

Merry Christmas Dave and all the blogsters!

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