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December 29, 2023




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Obviously, you are in Scotland.

A Google Lens Search of that pic suggests you're in the British Virgin Islands.


All the priorities are on the sign. Or at least most of them.

This British Virgin Islands resort has all the amenities on the signs...

Nice blue shorts, Dave.

Another possibility is the Carriearl Boutique Hotel on Great Harbour Cay in the Bahamas.

So Dave is picking up a few extra sheckles running a food truck in SoBe complete with it's own old lawn sign? On the plus side, the "Year In Review" is being fairy well received so it's almost safe to come back now.

Could still be Florida. I mean, Key West is technically not connected to the rest of the United States.

OK, probably Caribbean. Whatever, have fun.


Click the pics for a similar sign.

Yeah, my guess was most definitely wrong.

Glenheather Castle? In Starvania? The malnutritioned locals call it 'The Glen'.

There's a foot of snow outside my house, but plenty of rum, I'm happy to report. Enjoy your vacation!

Wow, a Where's Waldo game. Or is this just a picture of a homeless person panhandling for spare change? Striking up a casual pose designed to pick up cougars? How about a Where's Walter game? Call the DBBlog 800-number and you will get a recording - "Hi, this is Dave. I am not here right now, please leave a message and my executive assistant will get right back to you." BEEP

Hands down, the best mugshot pic we've seen all year! Happy 2024!

There's no snow here, so that must be Minnesota.

Filthy job, but....

John Lennon joked to Paul McCartney, 'Okay! Today let's write a swimming pool.'

I wish I could write a 'Caribbean vacation'. Very few people have that innate talent.

Dave's 2023 Year In Review is proof of that (along with 30+ best selling books) . Congrats!

(A certain Mrs. Blog's role as a successful Herald sports writer, makes for a dynamic duo!)

Dave - With your linen shirt strategically unbuttoned on your upper chest, you need to add a gold chain and *This*.

Came across an old magazine. I remember this particular issue because a famous author, no not Hemmingway, wrote an an article about? About? Oh forget it. I've forgotten who.

Good thing The Blog is away and will never see this. And while he's gone it's OK to mention Martha Stewart was in the news.

A Silly Millimeter Shorter?

Men stunned as size of average penis is revealed — and it's smaller than you think

Makin' Bacon At Mickey D's

Ohio troopers work to capture runaway pig in McDonald’s

A Florida Landscaper Gets Blown Away

Tire shop owner shoots landscaper for blowing leaves onto his property in NW Miami-Dade

On His Way To Florida

Most in Canadian history: BC man gets 5 years in jail after 21st impaired driving conviction

Pastor Wants To Annoint McDonald's Worker With Oil

Cops: Pastor Tried To Deep-Fry McDonald's Cook

How To Make Friends And Influence People Florida Style

Florida Man Intentionally Drove Car Into Home of Person Who Wouldn’t Talk to Him: Cops

Florida Man Arrested For Borrowing A Screwdriver

Florida man accused of walking into unlocked apartment, stealing vodka, orange juice

Knock Three Times On The Ceiling If You Want Me

Ex-girlfriend arrested after unwanted visit to home of estranged beau

Open Up And Say AAAAAAAAAH!!!

Woman Sues Dentist for Conducting 32 Procedures in a Single Session


Florida identifies next invasive species threat

Florida wildlife biologists are predicting a macaque invasion penetrating sensitive beaver wetlands.

Re: Mr mantom - I think that magazine cover is right on - I mean Dave Barry on verbal sex - after all he is mostly talking about it rather than, ahem, practicing what he verbalizes = sort of non-verbal sex. Then again, he used to have judi as a filter between his basic verbalizations and the light of public. So is mantom now working part time to replace judi?

Now that Mr/Ms Isle B. Seainu has discovered your travel destination ("Blown" your cover, Dave, so to speak) it is reported that the local airport is jammed with excited teenage and sub-teen girls all wanting airline ticket to this place. Maybe they read Mr. mantom's post about the magazine cover and the bold letters of a promise for heaven. All I can say, Dave, is that a lot of these nubile young creatures have braces on their teeth, so be careful.

Cooper Island Beach Club - British Virgin Islands

Yup, IBC has geo located the right place. But wasn't judi/walter supposed to get you reservations at a place that had wheel chair access? Also, what sort of place is it that has alcohol-fueled guests walking around on all these rocks with just sandals and flip-flops and a beverage glass? Did you go there for some literary inspiration or just to meet young girls? I guess literary book readings with teenage girls is not against the law there at BVI. And maybe they will be amused when you tell them boogers are your beat.

Can't be British Virgin Islands for 3 reasons: Dave's not British, he's not a virgin, and no man is an island. Anyway, isn't a 'hiatus' a kind of hernia? Be careful what you pick up, Dave!

Mr Real Barry - enjoyed your post and have to say it was entertaining muchly but not irrefutable. But I remember a 70's band that was last known to play at the opening ceremony of the 1980 Florida Surgeons Conference. The band was named 'Hernia' and it was made of a players with names: Inguinal, Abdominal, Peritoneal, and my/your favorite and band leader named Hiatal. I think they had a song titled something like "Hernia - It's Not Just for Women Anymore (Himnea?)." Perhaps other rockers of those years will remember them, hopefully fondly. A copy of their album recently was featured on Antiques Roadshow and was assessed as 'Sentimental Value'. (Not a National Treasure, unfortunately).

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