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December 03, 2023




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Ho Ho Ho. I have had this link building up inside for the past few days.

This one.

Maybe I should talk to another human being about it. Maybe not.

In her defense, at least he wasn't wearing them at the time.

Whoopsie, first world cat on the keyboard problems.

December 1st is the start of meteorological winter, I would have expected iguanas.

Fall in Florida...

It's to be expected given the high senior population.

Get a good personal injury attorney.

Very pretty! (the flowers, that is). We would send a picture of our yard but we like Dave too much to share photos of rampaging squirrels under the oak and maple trees. We are commenting mainly because now we can.

Is this one of those "Magic Eye" puzzles where you have to stare at it just the right way and a picture will appear? I could never do those.

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