Crash covers Ohio highway in chocolate and caramel
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "We're gonna need more vanilla ice cream.")
« November 30, 2023 | Main | December 2, 2023 »
Crash covers Ohio highway in chocolate and caramel
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "We're gonna need more vanilla ice cream.")
Paraguay official resigns after signing agreement with fictional country
(Thanks to Ralph)
(Thanks to EricY)
A new fake Toonie has emerged in Quebec, Ontario: Here’s how you spot it
(Thanks to The Perts)
We didn't even know there was a real Toonie.
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "Finally: a Florida Man story that isn't bizarre.")
Lobster caught in Maine has two colors and two sexes
(Thanks to GJ)
Mystery Mexican aliens are 'definitely not human' and have 30% DNA of 'unknown species'
(Thanks to Al Barkafski, Barry Nester and Buck Nekkid)