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November 06, 2023


People do poop, a lot, in ride lines at Disneyland and Disney World

(Thanks to Annette, and to Doug Ogg, who says "The Crappiest Place on Earth!")


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It comes with two free rides on the EVIP (evacuate in place) tickets.

Typically when they see the prices.

A Code H, according to the authors, originally referred to “horsecrap.” A Code H meant a custodial worker needed to clean up after one of the horses pulling a Main Street vehicle did its business. The term was later modified to reflect a bowel movement of the human variety.

I don't know how one could improve upon that explanation.

Many years ago when my sister was in high school, there was a loft backstage that held all the costumes. She had to go up there to look for a costume and found a dookie sitting atop a pile of clothing. She told the director about it, saying that a Mad Crapper had visited the loft. From then on at every year-end awards banquet for the drama club, there would be an MC Award, named after the Mad Crapper.

Since this is Disney, I don't think they would force a Code H patron to wear a red letter H (a la The Scarlet Letter), but it's fun to think about that. Couldn't you just see that in those photos they take as you're ending a ride?

Imagine how full the Jetson Pak will be.

Ah s___t!

So for the ride called 'Little Italy' do they play the theme song "When the poop hits your eye like a big cow pie, Astamore."

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