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November 06, 2023


Police Begging People Not to Climb in Toilets After Woman Gets Stuck in Outhouse

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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Excuse me while I shower. I'm in the process of deleting my C drive with a plan to not read further posts today which might refer to, 'getting stuck in the piss-and-sh^t muck'.

Who have opened for a vast array of Rap artists. Digital Underground Thug Life Outlawz was not on the vast array.

In her defense, she was just checking for snakes.

Hey, if somebody's really that hellbent on crap-diving, why should anybody get in the way?

Imagine putting photos of the event in the family album and years later the grand kids can see how rustic life was back in '23 when people had to use porta potties. Thank go grandma did not lose her teeth.

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