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November 13, 2023


Oreo Fans Think Cookies Have Less Filling

(Thanks to Annette)


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that's why I only buy "no-oreoes". Cremations with double filling.

It's a conspiracy by Big Cookie to get you to buy these!

Does this mean dunking your oreos in budlite is trending, as in more taste less filling?

Years ago, Mr. MOTW and I decided to stop buying and eating Oreos after looking at the nutrition label:
Serving size: 3 cookies
160 calories
7g fat
25g carbohydrate
.. 14g sugar

Double Stuffed
Serving size: 2 cookies
140 calories
7g fat
21g carbohydrate
.. 13g sugar

The amount of sugar in the serving size is ~25% of the daily allowance. Does anyone limit themselves to the suggested serving size? No.

@MOTW, you must be a lot of fun at parties. But re: the serving sizes, I am reminded of this meme: "According to this box of mac and cheese, I'm a family of four."

You don't eat Oreos for the filling.

Me not happy.

The fiends!

Have you thought about eating pumpkin?

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