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November 21, 2023


Toddler pulls handgun from mother’s purse, fires shot inside Ohio Walmart

(Thanks to Geoff Scott)


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He was released after producing an honorary Florida gun permit, and appointed to the school board by Governor De Santis.

Hire the boy as security for their local Ohio hometown

Chuck E Cheese.

Before being fired on the spot, a Walmart spokesperson issued this initial statement,

"Yes, the boy did have a minor injury when the gun’s magazine hit him in the forehead, so what he'll get over it."

In his defense, he's too young to know the difference between Walmart & Waffle-house.

My friend went into a Walmart and shot off is mouth. He was allowed to leave under his own recognizance.

You always find high caliber people at Wal-Mart...

"Don't take your guns to Walmart, son."

Apologies to Johnny Cash

How was the mother arrested for endangering a child? The kid was the safest person there; he had a gun to protect himself with!

She should have been arrested for a child labor violation. Nobody should be forced to start a career at age 2.

Was Mr. Burns shot ?

@Rod - agree.
"No one was hit by the gunshot, but the boy’s mother was arrested on a charge of endangering children. The boy was turned over to a guardian." The article said she waited for police to arrive after the shot was fired.
Are we to believe that a 2 year-old knew how to take the safety off or did the mother have a loaded, unsecured gun in her purse when she went shopping?

Kid got some street cred.

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