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November 06, 2023


After Matthews potted his third of the night — which happened to knot the game at 4 a piece — hats and at least one brazier rained down onto the ice.

Whoa. A brazier.

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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That's Brazier, NOT brassiere.

Those Free the Nipples people are everywhere.

Bonus comment,

How many times do you hear a hockey announcer say, "he has a blistering slap shot." Or say, "he can really fire the puck."

Well, I hope so, is there any player in the NHL who can not 'blister a shot' or 'really fire the puck'? I mean these guys practice 10 hours a day, 365. They have played hockey since there were 6 years old. Before the game they fire at least several hundred pucks at their own goalie during warm up. After practice, they stay on the ice for a couple of hours honing their slap shot.

I would love to hear, "He is a terrific skater, pardon me while I LOL, but when it comes to shooting the puck, He's a real himp."

Forgot to mention, "Go A-Ho."

"I want some hot stuff, baby, this evening."

So there's a time traveler from the Bronze Age in the stadium?

I never got a brazier!

We can only hope this becomes a new tradition. Especially since hockey rinks are cold-ish places.

Calling Mr. Language Person.

It wasn't one of ours.

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