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November 27, 2023


A woman has drawn screams from her fellow passengers after pulling down her clothes and threatening to urinate in the aisle of a plane.

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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When ya gotta go.....

.. it Depends, Steverino

This is why you should always carry a spare Thirsty Goose on the plane. One for you, one for that special new friend.

In her defense, she didn't threaten to use the window.

What Steverino said. Attention flight attendants: you have a choice. Let her go to the toilet (and if you hadn't made a big stink - so to speak - she'd be done already), or she will certainly go somewhere.

Hey, she signed up for the micturition flight. Or maybe she was planning on hijacking the plane and jumping out while in the sky - calling her DB Pooper.

You see this beaver? It's not real, and if they don't return my adult toy I won't be able to get off on this F'n plane! And if I were you I'd try to do the same.

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