Aliens Are Out There — But They Probably Don’t Care About Us
(Thanks to Robert Moats)
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Aliens Are Out There — But They Probably Don’t Care About Us
(Thanks to Robert Moats)
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So Dave - are we implying that aliens are either teenagers or cats?
Posted by: MOTW | November 27, 2023 at 10:00 AM
I'm sure we'll see more interest when they pick up broadcasts of hilarious shows like " Petticoat Junction " and " Gilligan's Island ".
Posted by: Clankie | November 27, 2023 at 10:10 AM
It's not so much that they don't like us, it's just that they find Canadians taste so much better!
Posted by: the ghost of Art Bell | November 27, 2023 at 10:16 AM
They've probably got their own version of the Prime Directive.
Posted by: wanderer2575 | November 27, 2023 at 10:32 AM
I work on a telescope project which goes online in 2025. It'll probably be in the news because the thing takes huge pictures.
If you don't hear from me around then, I'm 1) working overtime to fix whatever issue we're having, 2) Busy digging a bomb shelter for the incoming asteroid, 3) freaking out about the alien signpost stating, "Earth: No intelligent life here. Except for dolphins." 4) All of the above.
Posted by: Steve (The 24 Guy) | November 27, 2023 at 10:33 AM
"I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here."
— Arthur C. Clarke
Posted by: Ralph | November 27, 2023 at 10:44 AM
Beam me up Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here.
Posted by: Steverino | November 27, 2023 at 10:55 AM
Wow! Steve, are you working on the Giant Magellan Telescope? Cool!
"The Giant Magellan Telescope is one of a new class of telescopes called extremely large telescopes with each design being much larger than existing ground-based telescopes. Other planned extremely large telescopes include the Extremely Large Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope."
I take it you had no creative input on the naming. ;-)
Posted by: wiredog | November 27, 2023 at 10:56 AM
Just wait until the new cookbook comes out!
Posted by: To Serve Mankind | November 27, 2023 at 11:16 AM
mmm...reposting because I think Typepad ate my response:
Wiredog, not the GMT - I'm working on software for the Rubin Observatory. you can see it at
The camera we will be using is the world's largest digital camera - 3.2 gigapixel images. We'll be taking images every minute, every night, for ten years.
Posted by: Steve (The 24 Guy) | November 27, 2023 at 11:39 AM
Wiredog, not the GMT. I'm working on software for the Rubin Observatory. 3.2 gigapixel images!
Posted by: Steve (The 24 Guy) | November 27, 2023 at 12:16 PM
To Steve (the 26 hr guy): Since you are in the business I have to ask, how come you make a distinction about certain objects from space - specifically "it's called 'meteor' when it is still in the air but a 'meteorite' when it hits the ground. So, how come you don't change the naming of an asteroid when it hits the ground? Such, as a suggestion, asteroid when in the air and asterite after it hits the ground? Just asking an expert. As an aside, I worked with a person who called that keyboard figure that appears right above the number '8' an 'asteroid'. A bit of office humor there. Or should that be an 'asterite'?
Posted by: Pullet Surprise | November 27, 2023 at 10:19 PM
Worked on the Hubble Space Telescope during its construction. And they had they custodial staff people that were constantly cleaning everything and I mean everything was constantly wiped down, swept up, etc. As a check on air quality, they put out these ultra clean 'witness plates' on horizontal surfaces as means of testing for any stuff in the air that might settle out on things like the mirror, for example, which the QC people monitored religiously. A colleague told the story that he watched one of the custodial people take a rag out his coverall pocket and wipe off a witness plate. This event occurred during the original Hubble build, the one that became the envy of vacation photographers and all those photographing such other occurrences as the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, and the like. Maybe some of those people claiming to photograph Big Foot actually did work on the original Hubble?
Posted by: Pullet Surprise | November 27, 2023 at 10:29 PM