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November 28, 2023


Man didn’t know he had chopsticks lodged in his brain for five months

(Thanks to Annette, Michael Parry, John Lobert, Buck Nekkid and Michael Parry)


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As bodily orifices go, this would be second place I might look for a set of chopsticks following a fight.

Proving once again, it's always in the last place you look.

In the course of my cancer treatment, one of the items from the punchlist of things to check out when things slowed down was to check out a nasal cavity oddity.

It turned out that a tooth I lost when I was five as a result of a car accident was lodged in an area that was not critical. We're ignoring it for the time being.

Conveniently, the scan confirmed that I have a brain.

His fortune cookie said, "The man who is leaking cerebrospinal fluid after dining should verify the location of his chopsticks."

Famous last words
SO: Honey, there's something we need to talk about. Can I pick your brain?
Man: Yeah, sure

Now this earworm is lodged in my brain...

Nothing compares to a two fingered pianist.

I think I saw that Anacin commercial back in the 1950's.

More moo goo!

@Clankie - yes, Anacin or Excedrin

So did he have this strange feeling that he was hungry just an hour after any meal?

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