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November 22, 2023


Police find hair sticking out of vehicle's trunk belonged to mannequin

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Note to self: Make sure to never leave part of the body hanging out of the trunk.

This is why if you're transporting a manikin it's best to put it in the passengers front seat, plus that way you can use the diamond lane.

New sex dolls cost an arm and a leg!

Have the Australian scientists branched out into merkins?

Meanwhile, the cities burn.

I think hair keeps growing after you're dead. Just sayin.

I went to my local zoo and did not see any hair growing out of the elephant's trunk. Reminds me of an old junior high school joke - What's green and slimy and comes in a trunk? Elephant snot. ooops, sorry, so you've heard that one.

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