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November 21, 2023


4:38 a.m. A man was fearful that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were after him.

9:33 a.m. A man was banned from entering a church after he mooned someone during a service.

(Thanks to Buck Nekkid)


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Maybe they were after him!

As for the mooner, go figure, right?

I would also note that the police detained a newspaper delivery person

The bad news is that the JWs are after everybody and there is no good news.

In his defense, he thought it was an orthodox church that works on a lunar calendar celebrating the feast of Uranus.

Since few people even know what a newspaper is any more, I guess somebody delivering them would seem pretty suspicious.

And the Jehovah's Witnesses WERE after him, of course....

Isn't the Moonies' Church in South Korea...

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