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November 22, 2023


Deep space astronauts may be prone to erectile dysfunction, study finds

(Thanks to Barry Nester and Annette)


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What if they focus on Uranus?

On the plus side, no worries about lust in space.

It's time for a star-studded erectile dysfunction filled benefit concert.

*Just studded is good enough.

Splash-down in Lake Flaccid...

Wait a minute...if it managed to get into a deep space, what's the dysfunction?

This would have kept certain Star Trek characters out of a lot of trouble.

Maybe they should schedule a "rendezvous" with the aal-female astronaut team.

This could give new meaning to the astronauts being blue pilled.

In space, no one can hear you say "That's never happened to me before..."

11/22/1963 Dallas RIP JFK Dark Journalist 8pm EST TONIGHT

So in what part of the journey is this supposed to occur? I mean if they are in deep space they have already achieve orbital insertion velocity. Also I had heard that one thing the astronauts were asked not to say was 'dysfunction'.

So they may not be able to "launch a probe"?

"Ride, Sally Ride." - Wilson Pickett

All dressed up with no place to go

Space: The floppy frontier.

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