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November 06, 2023


Dad needs this.

(Thanks to MOTW)


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That means that Jetson ONE customers will be able to use their new toy without any license, certification, or testing — unlike the important tests and certifications that amateur airplane and helicopter pilots are subjected to.

What could go wrong?

I can see the first instruction in the owner's manual: HOLD MY BEER.

It has a parachute - they thought of everything!

Sure it works as a leaf blower but get back to me when it comes with a lawnmower attachment.

"The product also comes with a “ballistic parachute” should something go wrong."

“Our mission at Jetson is to democratize flight and make the skies available to everyone.”?

He thinks everyone has $98,000 to spend on one of these things?

Do the instructions specify how Jane is supposed to stop the crazy thing?

Indeed, Christmas is coming!


A top speed of 63 miles per hour. Really. At a fraction of the cost.

When the Pak hits your eye like a jet from the sky, Attsa Jetson. Or should that be 'jettison'?

Forget Dad. I need it.

Dad has spent enough time in the hospital this year, thank you.

" learning to fly a Jetson ONE takes “about five hour..."

The are even instructions in 25 languages, including braille.

This will totally crash the ATC computers, as well as crash some real aircraft.

Designed by reliable Italian engineering...

No license, No certification, No testing.....I'm IN.

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