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November 20, 2023


Chef strangled and punched colleague after a row over potato croquettes

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Well, things can get heated in the kitchen.

That seems justified.

Things just spud out of control.

I prefer the freedom puffs.

Sounds like he's an agi-tater with an eye for an eye attitude.

Food fight!

They couldn't agree on the quantity of these...

So they substituted this...

You just can't go wrong with baked, or even half-baked, sorry Snoop.

One said "po-TAY-toe", the other said "po-TAH-toe".

Then they called the whole thing off.

Obviously graduates of the Gordon Ramsay School of Cheffing.

And I'm actually surprised that no Chopped contestant has done this to Geoffrey Zakarian after receiving a nitpicky technical critique.

You do not want to aggravate chefs. They are under constant stress and have knives.

I just can't imagine how frustrating it must be to try and play a game of croquet using potatoes and mallets used for tenderizing meat.

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