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November 17, 2023


Scottish ultra-marathon runner Joasia Zakrzewski banned for 12 months for using car during race

So that's against the rules?

(Thanks to DaninDallas)


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"...50 mile race.." I would have used a car for ohhhhhh...about 49.5 miles and walked the other .5 miles.

If it's any consolation, she did sustain minor injuries when they pushed her out of the moving car near the finish line.

In 1980, Rosie Ruiz set the woman's record for the fastest time in the NYC marathon. Trouble is, she took the subway for a chunk of it

If you really care about the planet, use a bicycle.

So for the next year we'll be seeing her running in the Daytona & Indianapolis 500's?

A little pick-me-up...

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