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November 28, 2023


Rescue beaver makes Christmas dam in house

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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If my Dad had woke up and walked down those steps in the dark that would have been the last time we would have seen that beaver.

He sure is a busy beaver, isn't' he?

I saw no kids around. Much less a wife. An intimate acquaintance? Not since '66.

Now it's just a matter of time before somebody clogs the toilet or overfills the bathtub. While I wait, I'll remove the balusters, so nice to finally get something to sink my teeth into. Happy holidays!

With all that's going in the world, you can always trust a beaver to carry on in the true spirit of the season.

Sometimes creating a nativity scene with available materials requires a bit of creativity.

I don't mean to be critical, but his dam is not going to hold back much water.

It's a work in progress, just like Dave's holiday lighting.

That is adorable.

I saw "Rescued Beaver" open for "Heart".

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