Traces of cannabis in human bones suggest 17th-century Italians were recreational pot users
(Thanks to Charles Cates)
« November 9, 2023 | Main | November 11, 2023 »
Traces of cannabis in human bones suggest 17th-century Italians were recreational pot users
(Thanks to Charles Cates)
Human mattress dominoes world record broken in the Philippines
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Exploding marijuana-infused cider drinks recalled in Michigan
(Thanks to Dave Vander Ark)
Hundreds of Michigan driver's licenses may be invalid after driving school suspended
(Thanks to wanderer2575)
I went for surgery to remove my appendix — doctors took out the wrong organ
(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias)
Dear Dr. Dave Barry,
Are you interested in this opportunity?
(Thanks to Rod Nunley, Asher Scheiner, B&C and Steve K.)
Do NOT click here.
(Thanks to Buck Nekkid, EricY and Linda Schutjer)
Tiny 'alien' skeleton found in desert could be nocturnal humanoid that lived in a cave
(Thanks to Al Barkafski)
"Apparently this turkey lives in the area."
(Thanks to The Perts)