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October 05, 2023


A plane from Bangkok to Taiwan took a wild turn when a rat and an otter smuggled aboard by a passenger got loose in the main cabin mid-flight.

A Flying Ark: A subsequent police search of the vessel also located a box containing 28 live turtles, a snake, one marmot, two otters and two other rodents of unknown species among the luggage upon landing in Taipei.

(Thanks to John Lobert)


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Fresh in-flight meal service?

Was Noah flying the thing ?

"rodents of unknown species"? That's disturbing. Are squirrels mutating?

A box containing 28 live turtles, a snake, one marmot, two otters and two other rodents of unknown species among the luggage. This calls for a tribute concert.

Passenger Bungpot Lufangodor said the concert was great and He felt totally healed after licking a turtle then letting an unknown rodent sit on his.

They otter do something about that.

Sounds somebody won't be getting the advent calendar they were promised this year.

@MTom - Thanks for the Voo Doo Chile. It don't get no better'n that.

Getting a head start on the 12 days of Christmas?

So the in-flight meal walks right out to the passenger? But the passengers are required to keep their meals down as their are no air sickness bags on board.

Dave, that is a routine flight from Bangkok to Taiwan.

@pogo - Legendary.

"Please open your baskets. Your ingredients are:

- 28 live turtles
- a snake
- one marmot
- two otters
- two other rodents of unknown species

You have 25 minutes. Begin!"

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