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October 04, 2023


Giant asteroid the size of 1,000 capybaras to pass Earth Tuesday

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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They need to open a Starbucks on one of these things as it passes by.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who had to look up "capybaras".

It's Wednesday, so dammit Chloe, we missed it.

Creepy Dave Animal Show: Crapybarbra

I read it as "Copacabanas" and wondered how big it was since it was the hottest spot north of Havana.....

A capybara is 1/4 of a giraffe, so the asteroid would only be 250 giraffes. On the other hand, a capybara is 1.5 times the size of a beaver, so that pesky rock would be 1500 beavers in size.

Just trying to be helpful.

@MOTW - I do believe that clip of them enjoying a winter solstice yuzu bath is from Japan! ^^

That would be one kilocapybara.

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