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September 08, 2023


...though still fired, we suppose.


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Oh, were you gone?

@judi - Looks like you’ve been burning the midnight oil on our behalf. Thanks!

Is there any missing time & have we ruled out a possible abduction?

But we all know that "Florida time" isn't like time anywhere else (except, perhaps "Flathead County time," to which it is distantly related).

I posted a lot of messages which did not show up. Didn't show up as if my posts went nowhere man.

Koo Koo Kachoo.

Does this mean that time travel is real?

I can only suspect this outage was the work of those diabolical bushy-tailed rodent creatures. The battle rages on!

On the plus side you're not late, you were just out of time.

Thank goodness - I was starting to go through withdrawal.
@Mad Hatter - good to see you!

@MOTW - Likewise! (This is one time the time difference worked in my favor. Usually I’m the last one to the party…)

Desert rainstorms have strange side effects.

That "relaxing retirement" thing is a crock, isn't it?

*waves to Judi*

Rumor has it that the outage occured midway through an uplaod of crystal clear 3D images of Bigfoot, Nessie and Mothman, and that missile that hit the Pentagon, but now the files are lost forever. Damnit Judi!

Re: Elaine's post - the photos were caoing thru blurry so instead they decided to just post the written verbiage only make that muddy. judi, check with your boss to see if your writing is muddy enough. "We need to make our prose more muddy so that our readers do not get a hint that we are having video problems here.

"Arrrgh, me prose is not muddy enough. Get some mud from the bilge and smear it all over our prose."

Great to have you back! We sure missed this blog, and checked for it a ridiculous number of times.

Well, this is working again but things are not like the old times, I guess. I swear I saw judi working at the Burger King drive up window down on Tallahassee Street. She looks good in her new uniform. Too bad she did not have time to talk as she asked me to keep on moving along to the pay window as there was a big back up of cars in the line behind me. So if you miss her, well I guess you now know where to find her.

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