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“We are still analyzing the situation to find out what happened exactly and how we can improve.”
Hasn’t this line come in handy for most of us at some point in our lives?
Posted by: Jim | September 11, 2023 at 09:01 AM
This is half of the Twilight Zone episode "The Arrival":
"George, what's going on here here? There isn't any luggage. Hey, George! Ask them who's responsible for forgetting all the luggage!"
"You'd better come in here and check me out."
"I don't know what your problems are, but you're going to have to tell the passengers their luggage has been delayed. Some idiot let this plane take off without so much as an envelope in there."
"I'd be happy to, except for one thing."
"There aren't any passengers!"
Posted by: wanderer2575 | September 11, 2023 at 09:17 AM
“Oh, and by the way, your luggage ….”
Not even that much communication? Really?
Posted by: Meanie the Blue | September 11, 2023 at 09:22 AM
That's not just a staffing shortage, that's a courtesy shortage.
As Mr. MOTW likes to say, "That's too big to be a 'mistake.' That's like showing up for a tennis match dressed in hockey gear."
Posted by: MOTW | September 11, 2023 at 10:33 AM
Ah, that famed Swiss efficiency....
Posted by: Rod | September 11, 2023 at 11:19 AM
"Breakfast in London, lunch in New York, dinner in Los Angeles, luggage in Tokyo."
Posted by: Anonymous Retired Airport Manager | September 11, 2023 at 12:10 PM
But what about the woman that had all those lizards in her bra? Guess she did arrive with her luggage. I mean they make shoes and belts and wallets from lizard shin.
Just project ahead and imagine that you arrive in a place called Heaven - "We're so sorry, your luggage did not make it on this flight. But hey, please accept this set of angel wings as part of our compensation for your loss."
I wish that losing life's baggage was as easy as this. "Wow. my wife was standing right next to me in line to get on the airplane. Where the heck did she get to?"
Posted by: Pullet Surprise | September 11, 2023 at 01:05 PM
Bringing the concept of "no frills" to the next level.
Posted by: cfjk | September 11, 2023 at 02:06 PM
I was returning from Rio and was sitting, exhausted, at La Guardia waiting for luggage. The tour agency had two giant planes, that we'll call A and B. A landed two hours ahead of B, which had to deal with a health emergency. The announcement came that our luggage was mistakenly put in the B plane, so we'd have to wait two hours. When B arrived (with A's luggage) there was a massive jam as luggage from two planes was on the conveyor belt.
Posted by: Peter M. | September 12, 2023 at 08:58 AM