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September 04, 2023


Watermelons Are *Still* Exploding In Kitchens All Over America

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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Those terrorist Bastards! Load the pumpkins on the trebuchets and prepare to fire!

Maybe they're rotting because people aren't buying them. The last (small) watermelon I saw in the store was priced over $4.

Dear Penthouse: I never thought that this could happen to me.

I thought Exploding Watermelons were at Burning Man.

@Elaine Benes NO. Exploding Watermelons opened for "The Who".

I see no humor in this.

- Gallagher’s ghost

The marketing types are missing a golden opportunity here. They should be selling these in the liquor stores as pre-fermented, ready-to-eat/drink party watermelons.

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