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September 12, 2023


Scientists believe black holes are lurking much closer to Earth than we previously thought

(Thanks to Rod Nunley)


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The X-ray emissions are coming from inside the house!

All those socks missing from all those dryers have to be somewhere nearby.


I believe the assertion of this article is correct. I opened the hatch to the crawl space of my house and it was a deep dark cavity and full of socks. And funny thing, they were are left footed socks.

ripley - could one or more of these socks be yours? Please provide description and I can search thru this pile to see if I can find yours. It may take a while though. While I am thinking of it, if any of you bloggers have also lost socks please provide description(s) and I will keep an eye out for yours. Wait, that means I would only have one eye for other's socks. Anyway, you know what I mean.

Send them to Washington!

I didn't know they could lurk.

Sure …. You’ll believe this stuff, yet you won’t give us the time of day. You just never learn.

Blurrily yours,

@Pullet - Any size 9-12 left argyles circa 1985-95 are likely mine. The heels typically will be almost holy. When you're ready, I will send my messenger owl for them. Thanks so much!

Shouldn't we call them holes-of-color instead of "black-holes"?

I thought that's what happens when they run out of black swans.

D.C. already is a black hole.

First time I have heard about the black hole behavior of lurking. Wonder if there is one lurking behind Uranus?

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