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September 14, 2023


Is this thing on?


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I'm on it, so to speak.

It's not making any noise, so it's either broken or the batteries are dead.

Check, affirmative, Roger, Wilco, um ..... yes.

Check, affirmative, Roger, Wilco, um ..... yes.

Check, affirmative, Roger, Wilco .... um, yes.

It's not dead, Jim.

Apologies for the duplication. (Will hopefully not need to repeat this apology).

Kenneth, what is the frequency?

Someone gnawed through the internet wires.

You'll have to talk louder, I can't hear you.

I googled the displayed error message and got directed to "meditation guru" in wikipedia. It seems that this error was something you got on your Amiga 2600. So, the blog is being run by some last-century tech. Can't fire judi for that. She was only a teenager.

Dave's gotta stop spilling Fresca on the server.

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