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September 18, 2023


Could turning industrial waste into meat alternatives solve food scarcity?

(Thanks to vee, who says "I'll just have a salad, please.")


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"What we have developed is very similar to brewing beer, where yeast is used to convert sugars from barley into alcohol, and hops are added for taste," co-founder Petri-Jaan Lahtvee.

Beer is one thing. Y'all threw me off with the word "alternative." I like meat to BE meat, not pink slime, not "alternative."

On tyhe plus side, it's National Cheeseburger Day.

Soylent Green Redux.

I've had a few meals I'd swear were already made of sawdust.

So this story goes along with the one about the 3D salmon printer, huh? Fool them once - run it thru the machine to make it look like food, turn it on, walk away, and the next thing you know you have old polyester leisure suits that look like salmon fillets. Watch out for the static charge though - one spark in the wrong place could burn the whole canning factory down. Leave a question of "What really did happen to Moby Dick? Reminds me of this old cartoon by B. Kliban showing a drawing of a lunch counter with people eating burgers, and the caption stated "What New York did with King Kong."

I thought this is what McDonald's has been doing all along.

“Some grated sheetrock with that?”

That would cause it to be pretty scarce in MY fridge.

Industrial Waste Meat Alternative is people!

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