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September 12, 2023


Chinese woman arrested for having 16 jobs at the same time without ever working

(Thanks to MOTW)


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And she's never lost an election.

Is this what the popular news terms an 'influencer'? Have been employed many places where people had a job but did no work. So this is no big news to me.

I’m impressed, frankly. It’s hard enough not doing one job.

I guess nobody noticed that nothing was being done.

That's so unbelievable. How can she did it?

All the while, she was under yet another person's house hooking up an illicit Bitcoin mining rig. Nobody caught on to why she was always wearing dirty coveralls. Multitasking at its finest!

If she had only not worked at 15 jobs, they would have let her off with a warning.

"Any job worth doing...is a job worth not doing..."

Not the same, but I knew at least 16 people when I worked for the federal government who never did any work. I knew one guy who made $145k and he played solitaire most of the day.

Not the same, but I knew at least 16 people when I worked for the federal government who never did any work. I knew one guy who made $145k and he played solitaire most of the day.

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