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September 18, 2023


Rare dinosaur 'Barry' up for sale at Paris auction

(Thanks to Rick Day)


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Just another Barry fossil?

Experts say the skeleton is "extremely well preserved".

That's better than can be said of me.

And shouldn't the BBC, of all news agencies, know to put the period inside the closing quote mark? Or is that not a British thing?

So it is true - Dave without judi is just another 'Dave'. I guess this will substantiate the assertion by judi, "Dave who?". Hope the grammar is correct here, too.

I like my dinosaurs well done.

Let’s hope it’s not a distant relative of another Barry.

When you pull its string, it sings (sic) "Copacabana."

The perfect ice-breaker for the man who has everything. "Hey, Baby! Wanna see my new Dino?"

wanderer2575: In British usage, most commas and periods go outside of quotes. It's simpler and more logical.

Are they one hundred percent ironclad sure this isn't an unfortunate typo "mishap", and no purple dinosaur skeleton is involved?

Barry attributes it's preservation and longevity to the band who heavily influenced their music while still a start up Cave Band during the late Jurassic period.

Former band members:

Keith Richards

@Ralph: So noted, thanks. One learns something new every day. (Exactly what one usually learns, especially here on the blog, is another matter.)

A bargain, and worth every penny! I remember when he was knee-high to an oviraptor.

Maybe things are different in Schmance, but ALL dinosaurs are pretty rare around here. I haven't seen one in ages.

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