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September 11, 2023


Orangutan launches possum out of enclosure at zoo — as horrified visitors scream

(Thanks to Mary Smith and Annette)


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I'm guessing that "playing possum" didn't work.

People shouldn't get so worked up over a casual fling.

BTW, the Australian possum, "common bushtail possum" is super adorable. The North American opossum, on the other hand, is the sort of creature a mother would struggle to love...

In his defense, there were no bowling balls available.

It's the large round object of existence (a concept vigorously protected by intellectual property laws).

The Orangutan later stated, "as Caesar the Ape is my witness, I was that close to creating the first Orangopossum."

*Talking opossum's are known for their making use of clever indirect launching methods to achieve something. Take Cornelius or Taylor.

See Planet of the Opossums.

It was mutually agreed that the possum would resign his position. The Orang plans to appoint a new official possum within the week.

This, too.

New and improved ammunition for a T-shirt cannon

A show of hands if you saw this.

I don't blame the monkey. If a possum invaded my space, I would try to get rid of it too.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To prove to the possum that it could be done.

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