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September 06, 2023


Scientists say they have pinpointed the moment humanity almost went extinct

(Thanks to Ron T) 


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The time was traced to when Bob Barker died and the outpouring of Consolation Prizes gradually began to subside.

I suspect it was when the concept of "marketing" came to the forefront.

Huh. I had understood it to be when pineapple started to appear on pizza.

Sometime around the simultaneous discovery of Tupperware and credit cards.

Caused by too many old people at the nude beach?

2020. The pandemic turned us pretty inhuman.

Why does this news make me think of the movie CAVEMAN and Ringo Starr?

@MOTW - Zug zug!

I thought it was November 2024?

By any chance, were these Mayan scientists?

Sounds like this event was right up there with the day Dylan went electric. Or the day the music died. Or the day the last male and female on earth ate sushi that was beyond its Best By: date.

I'd guess it was when someone actually renewed his extended vehicle warranty.

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