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September 26, 2023


The formation of a supercontinent on Earth could wipe out humans and any other mammals that are still around in 250m years, according to a study.

(Thanks to Doug, Ron T. and Jim Kenaston)


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Insert Keith Richards joke here.

But we'll have flying cars .. right?

I’ve long considered continental drift to be an emergency requiring desperate measures before it’s too late.

By then the Zul will have conquered Earth and we'll all be slaves anyway. Don't ask me how I know.

Reunite Gondwanaland!
Stop the Laurasian Separatists!

So what does Hendrix have to say about all this you ask?

Well, I stand up next to a mountain
And I chop it down with the edge of my hand
Well, I pick up all the pieces and make an Island
Might even raise a little sand

Time to sell my stock in Carnival Cruse Lines

Better start prepping now.

Heck, my father used to wet his pants all the time - we called him super-incontinent. With questions like this I would call one those good looking women on tv who call themselves "Personal incontinent consultants" who will ship me personal incontinent products until I find the right one.

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