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September 12, 2023


A randy couple aboard an easyJet flight was caught in the middle of midair romp inside the plane’s bathroom by a shocked flight attendant and stunned passengers, according to footage posted on social media.

(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w and Michael Parry)


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There are better places to romp.

They were flying the overly friendly skies.

"Oh, the pilot meant the seat backs and tray tables go in the upright position, not .... um, er....."

Talk about "occupied".

That's not midair turbulence rocking the plane, it's just the passengers.

MUst have made it hard to film, but in their defense they may have thought it was an air bnb.

"Didn't your realize what you were doing?"

"You mean in the cockpit?"

"No. In the restroom."

"Yeah, the whole time we were wondering, 'why would they put a toilet right in the middle of the cockpit'?"

So raising the in flight movie choices to the next level?

Come fly with US!

Beats “Simply insert the metal tab into the buckle” any day. Cleared for takeoff!

Surely this is their Constitutional right to the Pursuit of Happiness?

I know, don't call you Shirley.

I guess they really took the name "EasyJet" literally.

Sort of lends a whole new definition of a 'cockpit' on an aircraft. I would say as long as they do not flush the sanitary supplies down the toilet, well what happens in the cockpit stays in the cockpit. Unless somebody opens the door.

Well, if they knew this sort of thing was frowned upon...

I, for one, am just glad that this sort of thing still happens in this day and age. Romance isn't dead!

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