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September 18, 2023


Lee threatened to cancel this N.S. couple's wedding, so they got married at a fish plant

(Thanks to The Perts)


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They should have gone to Jackson.

Something is fishy about this.

But their wedding day would have been so much more memorable if they'd stuck to the original plan.

So did they sleep with the fishes that night?

The change in venue lead to a tremendous fight.
In literary circles, it's know as 'Cannery Row'

The couple had to agree not to play the chicken dance.

It was the best plaice available.

Instead of Champagne, the happy couple toasted each other with tartar sauce and lemon wedges.

Did they throw fish heads instead of rice?

The wedding party was asked to lie on the floor, side by side, close packed while the ceremony was conducted in the dark.

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