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September 18, 2023


U.S. stealth fighter jet goes missing after "mishap," military says

(Thanks to EricY and Al Barkafski, who says "What else would you expect, it is a stealth fighter!") 


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Sends a message to the Russians and Chinese, doesn't it?

Auto makers are rethinking their initial intention of making ejection seats on flying cars standard equipment.

Hello Geiko...

Have they tried turning off the cloaking device?

Hah. They just want you to think it's missing, so they can hold a secret rendezvous with Mexican alien UFO experts.

Because it's not in all the photos taken, that convince all those time travel deniers out there.

I predict it will be in the last place they look.

I looked in my back yard, its not there.

Can't they just use the "Find My Stealth Aircraft" app on their iPhone?

I once consulted for the Invisible Fence Company, but had trouble finding their office.

*snork* @ Steve K.

It was probably recruited by an AI bot.

Put a picture on a milk carton.

It's National Cheeseburger Day. Some chains are having great deals. Maybe it's on a secret cheeseburger run.

A homeless person will probably find it and list it on Ebay. The Air Force should be checking for new listings.

1. Two words - "Apple AirTag."

2. AARP or any college alumni association could find it. They keeo finding me.

Check the shores of Tripoli.

Is this a remake of "Thunderball"?

Update: It has been found. Thank goodness if fell into that smoking crater.

I found it at a local garage sale, bought it for $4.

The local residents thought it was just some Amazon delivery robot landing to dump off some packages. Perhaps they should consult all the photographers that have taken pictures of the purported Loch Ness monster. "Nope, not blurry enough."

However, when they were asked to review the satellite photos of the possible area where the plane went down they all said "Yup, that's Nessie right there."

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