Oldest Known Condom in Existence Found in a Tomb in Egypt
(Thanks to John Gregg)
« September 3, 2023 | Main | September 5, 2023 »
Oldest Known Condom in Existence Found in a Tomb in Egypt
(Thanks to John Gregg)
Flying Car Showrooms Set for Texas, Florida
(Thanks to Matt Filar)
Watermelons Are *Still* Exploding In Kitchens All Over America
(Thanks to Matt Filar)
Dinosaur-dressing Mexican senator adds bite to presidential race
(Thanks to The Perts)
In Japan, the young find dating so hard their parents are doing it for them
(Thanks to GJ and B&C)
(Thanks to RonT, who says, quote, "No.")
'Proof of time travel' as King Henry Vlll spotted with 'Greggs steak bake' in portrait
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Shark discovered in Australia with creepy human-like characteristics baffling doctors
(Thanks to John Lobert)