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August 31, 2023


Man pulled over for driving with massive bull named Howdy Doody riding shotgun in Nebraska

(Thanks to Michael Parry, Debbie Van Hees, Rick Day, John Lobert, Annette and Not My Usual Alias)

We assume it goes without saying that the bull produced a valid Florida driver's license.


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The bull charged the cops.

This story is a bunch of bull.

A massive Watusi bull?

I seem to remember hearing about one a long time ago.

Does anyone else agree? The guys in the video are idiots. Get off the stage, idiots.

Bonus comment.

The dancers in the video are at the age when girls of the female gender appear to be so mature looking ready to lead the nation where as the boys look like they have no idea why they came of the womb as their lives appear to be on a path to nowhere.

Now if the bull had had a parrot on its shoulder that would be newsworthy.

In his defense, he only grabbed the bull when he realied that his horn was broken.

@sco77 - one might even call that "incredibull"

Those city slickers just don't understand the needs of country folks.

Having recently moved to Nebraska from the Villages, he still can't understand why the natives are so enthusiastic about bull riding.

Obviously his first rodeo. Obviously.

Bull? Probably a Nebraska Cornhuskerfootball recruit.

That's not a bull, that's a damned Bantha. o.O

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