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August 28, 2023


4,000 Americans are hospitalized each year with a 'foreign object' lodged in their rectums, finds 'first-of-its-kind' study

(Thanks to Roberto)


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Big Data in the public interest!

This escalation in deplorable working conditions must be stopped!

To the surprise of one couple, none of these incidents resulted in a pregnancy.

I blame those mirrors that SHOULD say objects may be EVEN closer than they appear.

It was a one-in-a-million shot, Doc.

What happens in Uranus...

I have an uncle who is from Canada (that's a foreign country, isn't it?) who has his head up his ass. I wonder if they counted him in all this data gathering? Would the medicos list that as a 'cranial-rectal insertion'?

So if they had a chicken stuck up there and they yanked it out and everybody was amazed at how unharmed it looked would they call that 'Pull-it Surprise'?

Concealed carry is getting to be a bit embarrassing.

Far too many "innuendos" to count here.

nursecindy would have been all over this.


How many of them were chess players?

^5 Jeff M

@Jeff, I can almost *hear* nursecindy rolling her eyes before firing off a remark.

I've always read in my owners manual that every so often you need to grease your rearend, now we know why.

Could be alien probing on a massive scale. Those Congress hearings about UFOs barely scratch the surface of this deep, deep problem.

Channeling the spirit of nursecindy here, she is saying that "in the ER they have a special 'team' that deals with this situaiton that is the butt of all jokes but their technique is very effective." They use the same method for CPR - hold the victim's nose shut, blow on their mouth and the pressure will blow the foreign object out. Capice? I they have an acronym for this technique, CPR or something like that where the P stands for pressure and the R stands for Rectal. I believe missed a bit of what she said cause I think she was laughing so hard.

So the lesson here is "Only put native objects into your rectum".

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