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August 28, 2023


Police say a woman has been arrested after attacking cars with a meat cleaver in a Central New York store parking lot.

(Thanks to Chris)


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Callers said the person was using the large knife to try to break windows, slash tires and cause other damage to multiple vehicles. All successfully argued by her defense attorney to be legal and considered to be criminal infringements meant to harm no one.

She heard they were slashing prices.

Cars .. the other white meat.

Here in my car, I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors, it's the only way to live
In cars .. unless AIEEEEEEEEE

My Meat Cleaver Control Bill will put an end to this.

When meat cleavers are outlawed....only criminals will have meat cleavers.....

I don't blame her.

Her career as a hairdresser is now in doubt.

Hunting a Beaver, Miss Cleaver?

Why did the cars have meat cleavers?

Someone took her regular parking spot, me guessing.

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