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August 30, 2023


The grass that’s greener in drought-stricken B.C. might have been painted

North Vancouver disc golf conflicts still simmering

Load of 5 million bees falls off truck in Burlington, Ont., police issue warning

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Spin doctors are already hard at work trying to convince us that less is more and brown is the new green.

Taking police stings to the next level?

In a related story, bear sightings went up 10-fold overnight in Burlington.

Hey Buddy, wanna buy some honey that fell off the back of a truck?

Could be worse. Could be pickleball.

A company I worked for LONG ago used to have the grass painted green in late July every year. Like clockwork. I asked the owner why he did that. He said it was cheaper to paint the grass than it was to water and mow it. And it looked better in late August. I think he took the same approach to every aspect of his business. No one worked for him long.

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