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August 29, 2023


Batman vs. Joker and a Shark in Gotham City Surf Contest'

Check out the "cool" surfer "lingo."

(Thanks to Mr. Josh Kelly, drummer for the world famous [but not always in a good way] Rock Bottom Remainders)


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Does anyone have the clip of Batgirl in her Batkini?

I have no words.

...from the thrill of victory, to the agony of defeat.

Donald Duck does not wear shorts, but Batman wears a swimsuit over his tights and shorts.

I need to go to the bat'room.

Holy wipeout! Dude, those are stiffest, and driest, "surfers" ever.

In their defense, the special effects were much better than the James Bond windsurfing bit in Die Another Day.

They just don't make them like they used to.

I love the Joker's pronunciation of "Cowaboonga!"

You're not supposed to spray the shark. You're supposed to jump it.

padraig, scroll down a bit here for Barbara Gordon (BatGirl) in a bikini

And also, this and especially this.

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