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May 18, 2023


Chicken loose on subway tracks halts service in Mexico City

(Thanks to The Perts)


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On the plus side, it wasn't a loose cock.

This could have easily happened in Miami if we had subways. For some reason, Cubans love chickens.

If it's an electrified third-rail-style subway, there could have been some fried chicken.

Tired of trying to cross the road.

Q) Why did the chicken not cross the railroad? A) It had heard that "never the twain shall meet".

I can only imagine the Pullet Surprise when the poor animal saw the lights of the training coming at it. Why, it did not lay eggs for years afterward - but it worked out cause then it 'could not put all its eggs in one basket'. A human wives' tale never supported by any hen ever.

Avoid taking the Pollo Loco Line, if possible.

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