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May 14, 2023


Cinderella Toilet

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)


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I would have called it a Grumpy Dumpy.

And at midnight it turns into a ...?

Watch out for the evil step sisters - Drizella and Anastasia who will want to covet your commode. Best way to assure they do no sabotage your stool is to put a python in it when you are not using it.

Just don't press the button when you're sitting on it. Great Balls of Fire!

On the plus side, no more complaints about discarded cigarette butts in the toilet, but still NOT OK to piss in the ash trays.

I think Jefferson Airplane considered this as a possible title for their concept album that would follow “Surrealistic Pillow.”

finally a way to get rid of those annoying mice!

Based on the included video, this device has already put in an appearance in the Utah desert. The benevolence of the creators should not be assumed.

If you fell in, would you make an ash of yourself?

Key Qoute:

there is a fire being lit in your toilet each time you use it.

I assume it would be dangerous to use this after Taco Bell?

Made of glass.

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