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May 04, 2023


Thanks to all the nice folks who came to see me last night at the Free Library of Philadelphia. Tonight at 7 I'll be at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore for Writers LIVE! I will be playing the part of the live writer, I hope. I also hope you Baltimoreans (if that is the word) will join me. 


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What's with the "Free" in these libraries' names? Do you people in the East have pay libraries somewhere?


Just kidding!

We would expect nothing Baltiless.

Expect quite a few laughs, even those who are Baltimorose.

The city is pronounced Balimer

Charm City! Being from Miami you probably have a well developed duck reflex when you hear gunfire.

Selling books at a free library seems like a bit of a stretch.

I get around (get around, 'round, 'round, I get around)
From town to town (get around, 'round, 'round, I get around)
I'm a real cool head (get around, 'round, 'round, I get around)
I'm makin' real good bread (get around, 'round, 'round, I get around)

I'm gettin' booked flyin' up and down on a non stop trip
I gotta find a new place where I can find some cheetos and dip
My luggage and me are getting really well worn
Yeah, a bad guy agent booked me and I wish I was never born

I believe the word is "Baltimora" - and when you use that word you have to sing "Tarzan Boy" in honor (?) of the band.

Bit of a stretch from Tokyo, but I’ll see what I can do. If you don’t see a large, pale woman in a large, pale hat, it isn’t me.

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