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May 20, 2023


Today at 4:15 I'll be appearing at the Gaithersburg Book Festival, where I'll be in conversation with my old friend, editor, and co-Hunt designer Tom Shroder. Join us! Afterward we can march on Washington and straighten everything out.


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Just keep in mind, Dave, it is Washington DC you will be marching on, not Washington state. Would hate to see you be publicly embarrassed when you show up at Pike's Place Market in Seattle. "Where the heck are my people?"

If you're going to march on Washington, don't forget to put on your waders.

Just a word of warning Dave, this is whole different kind of swamp. Just think of it as if the Everglades was INSIDE Disney World but all the rides are free, kind of like Australia.

The gators in that particular swamp are a lot more vicious than the ones you’re used to in Florida. The DC tax audit gator can take an arm and a leg much faster than a Florida gator.

My thoughts on the city made of gold, Washington D.C.

While I'm at it, I also wanted to send this guy there, and offer his cocaine-riddled singer brother Robben as well.

I just don't feel right unless I mention, Marion.

I was curious why no Strumpdate was posted regarding the Blog's stopover in Clayton, Missouri? Then I thought back to my decades spent living in St. Louis. I thought to myself, "no, Dave didn't go out to grab a bite and get in some shopping and visit *there*.

Follow the yellow bricked road to th Emerald Coty and discover who is the Wizard

My first-ever post here was about moving The Hunt to California. It was shortly after OJ (Simpson, not orange juice) was arrested. Dave suggested that you earn points for each White Bronco you saw being chased by cops on the freeway.

I suggest it is time to restart the idea of a West Coast Hunt!

Participants could earn one point for every crack pipe you find, 3 points for each discarded car tire hauled out a field, and 7 points for every driver seen talking on a cell phone. Yesterday, seriously, I passed a driver who was on her phone, while at the same time she was eating a bowl of cereal! How is that even possible?

Operators are standing by. Let the games commence!

Do not, for any reason, go to D.C. Unless you are delivering a WMD. Just don't.

For all potential attendees, bring a golf ball and get a ticket for a free beer (lite beer, that is).

I ran over a squirrel on my way into work one morning in Gaithersburg. Totally his fault.

You can't straighten out everything in Washington. It's too crooked.

@rs Sounds like an obvious case of self-defense to me.

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